Vision Care is More Than Just Vision Care

Bridging the gap to accessible and quality eye care for all.

Peek-A-Boo Vision Care Initiative is a community based non-profit focused on raising awareness of the need for early eye care intervention. Peek-A-Boo Vision Care Initiative connects families from low-income and underserved community with resources from free eye care screenings to annual examinations, glasses, and aftercare resources. 

If you can’t see, you can’t read. If you can’t read, you can’t learn.

With over 80% of what a child will learn coming through the sense of sight, it is important for parents and caregivers to know how eye care impacts educational and social development of their child. Good eye health contributes to improved learning and comprehension, pro-social interactions and to an overall better quality of life. We also believe it is equally important for all children to have access to quality eye care regardless of their family’s resources. 


To educate low-income and underserved communities about the importance of eye care and to connect them with needed resources for proper eye care. 



Your monetary donation will not only help us to educate the community on the importance of early eye care in children, but also help bridge the gap that often exists in access to quality eye care and resources to support proper eye health. 

Donations are accepted via CashApp $PeekABooVC or PayPal: peekaboovision

We not only help to educate the community on the importance of early eye care in children, but we help bridge the gap that often exists in access to quality eye care and resources to support proper eye health. 


  1. Raise Awareness of the need for early eye care intervention.

  2. Connect Families from low income and underserved community with resources from free eye care screenings to annual examinations, glasses, and aftercare resources. 

  3. Educate The Community on the importance of early eye care in children.

  4. Maintain A Data Base of Eye Care And Other Medical Professionals who provide income based to free eye care services., including eyeglasses and other aids, for children ranging from infants to age 18. 

Peek-A-Boo Vision Care Initiatives recognizes the importance of eye health which is why we do what we do.

We recognize eye care as more than just eye health, but as preventative maintenance for the whole body.

It is through the eyes that doctors can diagnose developing eye diseases, and many other health conditions. 


Increase attention to vision 
and eye health.  
Promote the importance of a comprehensive eye examination.  
Bridge the gap of vision care inequalities in underserved communities. 
Inform on the importance of receiving eye care and access to providers. 

Meet Our Founder

Scottie Y. McClaney founded Peek-A-Boo Vision Care Initiatives as a way to provide eye care access and resources to children and teens residing in low-income underserved communities after learning that a vision issue she experienced as a child had progressed to a more serious diagnosis which, if left untreated, would threaten her sight. Fortunately, her parents were able to make sure she had routine eye screenings and exams and as an adult she was able to continue her eye care, but she wondered what her outcome would have been had she been among the thousands of children who lack access to quality eye care because of limited family resources.

After reading numerous studies on the disparity among minority children and low-income children having access to proper eye care services to diagnose and treat sight threatening diseases and conditions, she decided to create an organization that would provide both education and advocacy along with connecting families to eye care professionals and necessary services to diagnose and treat eye conditions in children and teens. “The overall goal of Peek-A-Boo Vision Care Initiatives is to close the gap in eye care services that currently exist in low-income communities and communities of color because many providers might not take Medicaid or families might lack the ability to travel to providers or might not realize the importance of proper eye screening and vision exams.” Said PAB founder Scottie Y. McClaney.

Scottie Y. McClaney is a native of Birmingham, AL, with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Stillman College and Master of Public Administration from University of Alabama at Birmingham.  She is a 2022 ASPECT (Advocacy, Support, Perspective, Empowerment, Communication, and Training) Patient Empowerment Program cohort participant for Prevent Blindness, the nation's oldest eye health and safety nonprofit organization.  Additionally, she serves volunteers in the community and is appointed to serve on several City of Birmingham Boards.  Scottie is the mother of one daughter and loves spending time with her two glam daisies.